At your pace no matter your skill level!
Ahoy! Thank you for your interest in Lanier Sailing Academy!
We have been teaching sailing on Lake Lanier for all levels and ambitions since 1969.
All of our courses are certified by the American Sailing Association. Once you are certified to sail we offer daily rentals for our tiller boats, or join the Passport Sailing Club for unlimited use of our fleet, educational clinics, regattas & more
Our Course Summary:
ASA 101 Basic Keelboat
Pre-Req: None
We’ll take you as a true beginner and transform you into an experienced skipper able to operate medium sized sailboats on lakes and bays for day sailing. Our sailing lessons for beginners, will certify you to operate sailboats big enough to comfortably take friends and family as your crew.
Course options are available for students with previous sailing experience.

Join the Passport Sailing Club!
Pre-Req: ASA 101 Basic Keelboat
If you don’t have a boat to sail, consider our Passport Sailing Club for unlimited rentals, clinics, races, cookouts & cruises! Members with ASA 101 are eligible to sail boats in our fleet 22′-25′.

ASA 102 Advanced Keelboat
Pre-Req: Basic Keelboat 101

ASA 103 Basic Coastal Cruising
Pre-Req: ASA 101 Basic Keelboat
After completing the Basic Keelboat 101 class and gaining some experience. You’re now ready to make the move up to larger cruising boats. You’ll add to your knowledge and experience covering subject matter like, big boat systems, docking, anchoring, advance sail trim and basic navigation all while having fun.

Passport Sailing Club Members with 103 Certification are eligible to sail all the boats in our fleet 22′-32′!
ASA 104 Bareboat Cruising
Pre-Req: ASA 103 Basic Coastal Cruising
Prepare for a live-aboard Cruise in paradise! Have dreams of chartering around the world? This course will help take you there! You’ll become proficient and comfortable with diesel engines, electrical system, plumbing system, propane stoves, running rigging as well as more docking, anchoring, navigation and big boat chartering tips.

ASA 105 Coastal Navigation
Pre-Req: ASA 101 Basic Keelboat
Wherever your sailing takes you its important to be able to find your way safely! Our Coastal Navigation 105 Course is a 3 day course entirely in the LSA classroom and will enhance any sailing you do, no matter your level. This course will allow you to develop your competency in visual navigation, plot your course and establish your position, use a handbearing compass and more!

“With zero sailing experience I was able to learn to sail in 3 short weeks. This is a great place to get into sailing. You can take on as much as you like. Learn from experienced sailors in a super supportive environment.” – Jon. D
Why Choose Lanier Sailing Academy?

In Business since 1969
ASA Outstanding School Award, 5 Times
ASA Outstanding Instructor Award, 9 Times
Max of 3 students per boat for BKB Classes,
Guaranteed to pass BKB-101 3 day course
We love to talk about sailing and answer any questions you may have.
Stop by our dock for a visit or just give us a call.
You can contact us at 770-945-8810 or